There are many scholarships available for international students;
- Paying authority (French government, foundation, company, etc.)
- Target audience (students in PhD, Masters’ course, etc.)
- Recipient’s nationality
- Amount of the scholarship
- Duration of the scholarship
Regarding French government scholarships:
Scholarship applications accepted by the French government are filed at the cultural service of the French embassy of your country of residence. Criteria to choose applicants depend on the cooperation programs concluded between the French government and the authorities of the country concerned. Scholarships are generally granted to high level students (masters’ or PhD). The duration of the project depends on the project. Applications are processed in the month of March preceding the academic start of year, so you should file your application as early as possible.
For additional information, check out the CampusBourses tool:
An Exhaustive Directory of Scholarships
The Raman-Charpak fellowship is offered by the French Embassy in India and Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR) to PhD research students who intend to pursue part of their research at a French institution for 2-6 months.
The Raman-Charpak Fellowship
The Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program established by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, is designed for international students pursuing study programs in four major fields: Law, Economics & Management, Engineering and Political Sciences. The scholarship programme funds master’s courses for 12 to 36 months and offers funding for Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) students to spend 10 months in France through joint supervision or a joint direction of thesis.
The Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program
The Franco-Indian Education Trust, a not-for-profit organization, with the support of the French Embassy in India, funds (through grants, scholarships, fellowships) the mobility of students, faculty, researchers, scholars and professionals between France and India for long term or short term training or academic program.
Trust Scholarship
The Charpak Research Internship Program is open to graduate and post graduate students pursuing studies in Engineering, Science & Economics and wish to attend a training course at a French laboratory or university during their academic break.