It is said that “the world is your oyster” – with a wide variety of options to choose from, the current generation has been ‘heading to abroad for work, studies and creating a great career’.

Studying abroad – often related to the term ‘it’s my dream’. It is the coming-of-age process where a boy/girl becomes a man/woman in the due course of time. Everyone has dreams to become big and successful in their respective fields. Today a global education renders perspective in ways that one can’t imagine.

Moving out of your comfort zone

The very first thing a student would experience is moving out of your comfort zone. At home, you are always the pampered prince/princess but in a foreign country, you learn to be self-dependent and self-reliant. The experience is nothing like back home. From cooking, cleaning, laundries, to doing chores you learn what ‘being independent’ is all about. It is a place where you figure out your strengths and weaknesses. “Moving out of your comfort zone can be one of your most rewarding experiences”.

Multi-cultural experience

The foreign education experience is one such where students from different countries come together under one roof, it’s the place where cultures blend. When at home you tend to have a preconceived notion about a country, its people, and its culture but in reality, it is a whole new world completely different from what you thought.

On an average a student would meet people from 10 to 50 countries while studying abroad. When entering a new country one of the first things that you do is learn a new language. There are many stories where the students end up learning a new language to even sign language. Celebrating different festivals and tasting different cuisines with friends from other countries gives a whole lot of insight into other cultures.

Managing expenditure

With great freedom comes a great responsibility. Although you don’t need to answer to anyone but yourself, that’s when all the choices have to be made carefully.

Managing expenses have always been a major part of a student’s life. One of the biggest boons offered by countries like ‘Canada’ and ‘Germany’ are part-time jobs where the students are permitted to work up to 20 hours a week. Some students stay back during summers and end up saving a lot of money through their part-time jobs.

Learning new skills

The education in India is diametrically opposite to what you will experience abroad. They have more emphasis on practical work. One of the obvious advantages of studying abroad is finding a new career path for your future. Employers apart from the scores and the credits also look for highly skilled individuals with international competence. A foreign education tends to give confidence to interpersonal communication skills, presentation skills, language skills, and others that are highly valued in the labour market. This significantly improves your chances of landing a career-defining

Travel & Networking

‘Travelling leads to self-discovery’. Bonds are formed during your time abroad where you would get to meet like-minded people who have a passion for travelling. From travelling within the country to travelling to neighbouring countries during your summer and your Christmas holidays is a whole new level of experience. Travelling leads to networking, today networking plays a vital role everybody’s life. They are prospective leads to a better future.

“A broadened horizon” is what you would have achieved after finishing your program abroad. The memories whilst studying is immeasurable and you as a person would have gained more value and perspective. “It’s a once-in-a-lifetime-experience”.

How studying abroad shapes up your personality

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